Skin Scoop

Skin Scoop

“You betta woooooooork…”

1. That’s exactly what this photographer did as he switched gears from Avant Garde to Albinos. Based out of NYC Rick Guidotti, a successful photographer decided he wanted capture people with genetic conditions. He is the proud founder of a not-for-profit called Positive Exposure. Their mission is to enlighten the public perception of genetic, physical and behavioral differences.

How do you lead people down a different path?  How do you get people to see those with differences not as victims, but kids and people first and foremost?  The pity has to disappear. The fear has to disappear. Behavior has to change. – Positive Exposure 

Rick Guidotti is a character and luckily for you, you can see for yourself in this documentary (trailer) called ON BEAUTY.

Sources – Click Here

2. “You put the lime in the coconut…” It looks like these people had a little too much lime! Phytophotodermatitis aka Margarita Dermatitis is real. Please drink carefully in the sun!

3. This video featuring Maximillian Stenstrom perfectly sums up eczema in 60 seconds. Go on, watch it. And yes Max, I agree… eczema is spelled in an interesting way. 

4. “I can show you the wooooooooooorld…” and apparently that’s what this college student did to his skin. Talk about creative!! 

5. Before we came up with terms like selfitis (google it), there were photos. Beautiful touching photos. Take a look.

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