What To Know About Dupixent

Dupixent is EVERYWHERE and has the medical world buzzing as they are calling this the BREAKTHROUGH drug. So after reading tons and tons are articles on it, I decided I should list some facts about it…

  1. DOES NOT CURE ECZEMA, however it is said to drastically reduce the itchy/uncomfortable symptoms of eczema.
  2. Dupixent can be used with or without topical corticosteroids. Although, its intended purpose is when eczema is not controlled adequately by topical therapies, or those for whom topical therapies are not advisable.
  3. Dupixent is injected under the skin.
  4. Dupilumab is the active antibody ingredient in dupixent. This is important to know because it binds to a protein that causes inflammation.
  5. Yes, there are side effects: allergic reactions, eye problems (such as pink eye), inflammation of the cornea, cold sore, eye and eyelid inflammation, redness swelling itching. However – like most medicine, while some people are prone to side effects, others have not experiences any of this at all.
  6. FDA approved – This means research shows the benefits outweigh the potential risks.
  7. EVERYONE is hopeful! While its not a cure, this is a HUGE step in the right direction and one step closer to CURING this condition.

Sources: https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm549078.htmhttp://www.refinery29.com/2017/03/147483/dupixent-treatment-severe-eczema

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