Wego Health Eczema Patient Leader


Now, before you aimlessly 📱 scroll over this post, let me explain to you the new era that I’ve embarked on being involved in 🦸🏾‍♀️ patient leadership! Five years ago, I started off in self-denial. I contemplated 🤔 discussing a skin condition that got as much talk as a third-party candidate. In other words, not very much.

However, I was determined to aim high 🔝, raise awareness 🗣️, and push forward 👩🏾‍💻 with my knowledge of living life with this skin condition. My blog started gaining traction, my posts became therapeutic 🧘🏾‍♀️, and I’ve connected with people from all over the 🌎 world. Hands down, best decision I’ve ever made.

I can’t stress enough how honored I am to be apart of the 💪🏾 @wegohealth patient leader network. I’ll continue to work hard towards the goal of educating others, raising awareness, fighting for equality in BIPOC, and ultimately finding a cure 💥 for eczema!

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