My Struggle With Sensitive Skin

My Struggle With Sensitive Skin
My Struggle With Sensitive Skin

My Struggle With Sensitive Skin

Quote – My skin is like a pair of white pants: everything shows up on it. My emotions, what I eat, what I touch, environmental elements—and, like a pair of white pants, it’s just as difficult to treat.

Camille Butler a 24-year old visual effects student at Savannah College of Art and Design wrote a moving post about sensitive skin. She explains that her skin is literally affected by everything. From the harsh winter weather to the hot and sticky summers. Even when she’s getting dressed in the morning, she suffers.

What I found most interesting was her stating that its frustrating not knowing what is causing her skin to have such harsh reactions. I couldn’t agree more! And like many instead of getting to the root of the problem, she covers her skin with make-up or clothing. She finds this ironic since she’s uses Photoshop to perfect someones flaws.

Thought out this journey, Camille has learn the most important thing, that is to accept her condition, and addressing her issues. How does she do this you ask? By taking control, researching and consulting in a good dermatologist.

To read the full article check it out here…

1 thought on “My Struggle With Sensitive Skin

  1. Hi-
    Great article.

    I’m a 55-year old male, and I share your situation: very troublesome skin. I’ve always had rashes, various, and from a variety of causes.

    I was recently diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome, an auto-immune disease with no known cause or cure.

    While having the diagnosis is interesting, it still falls to me (and us) to be diligent about what goes in and on us. Mitigating the potential for problems is the key.

    One dermatologist told me 99% of all skin problems are externally-generated. I tend to agree, but i believe some (10%) aspects of our diets are responsible.

    Also wondering if you’ve heard of Halog ointment .1% Halcinonide …it’s been the only thing that works for me, but is not only not covered by healthcare insurance, its up to $500 for a puny .3g tube (about a year’s worth).

    Have you found anything else that works? Like you I went through the Parabens (nasty) and feel as though their replacements are just as bad. Thanks for your list of other ingredients to avoid.

    Good luck; you are not alone.


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