Skin Scoop

Skin Scoop

// Pimple Porn \\

Do you like to watch pimple popping? If so, Dr. Sandra Lee is the pimple porn guru. She is a dermatologist who posted videos of pimples being popped dubs as ‘pimple porn’. While this may turn some stomachs, others can’t seem to look away. Her videos have been viewed around 6 million times and she thinks this is a positive role for encouraging everyone to examine their skin. She literally categorizes the types of pimple pops. A hard pop is a cysts or abscess and a soft pop a blackhead or smaller pimples. Ready to get things poppin? Take a look

// Naughty or Nice \\

Apparently were all naughty and should pick up some coal… charcoal beauty products that is. Charcoal based products is the new skin trend. Its supposedly a wonderful detoxifier for your skin. Still not sure how I feel about that, but here are 9 products you can see for yourself.

// Skin Deficiencies You Should Know \\

Do you have dandruff? This could mean you need more zinc. Sores on your lip? You may need more vitamin E. Check out the rest here

// What your skin does from AM to PM \\

During the day our skin is product, fighting off outside elements and protecting us. At night its repairing. To learn more about how our skin differs from am to pm click here

// TED-ed \\

I’m obsessed with TEDxTalks and I’m constantly learning new things. This video displays what it takes for a wound to heal itself. Its pretty fascinating and they made it entertaining by using animation. Check it out.

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