Why Skin Conditions NEED to be taken more seriously!!!

Why Skin Conditions NEED to be taken more seriously!!!
Why Skin Conditions NEED to be taken more seriously!!!

How I feel about this article…


Seriously, its about damn time!! This article sums up everything very nicely if your suffering has gone on for years.

Jennifer White developed itchy sores all over her body and when she went to the doctor, she was prescribed the wrong medicine. Thus making her condition a lot worse. After a Google search, she recognized her symptoms as seborrhoeic dermatitis, which only affects 3% of the adult population.

After this discovery, Jennifer states that her sex life and confidence faded away.

One of this issues she raises is that her doctor was clueless about the skin condition. And that in and of itself might be a problem.

According to reports there has been a severe shortage of dermatologist (In the UK), which doesn’t help the fact that 54% of the population has skin issues.

extensive impact skin diseases have on all aspects of people’s lives from schooling, relationships, self-esteem, and career choices to social, sexual, and leisure activities. ~ research highlighted.

It also states that skin conditions could impact ones wellbeing. (YUP! I couldn’t agree more.) Due to this, there has been a call for more psychological support to be offered to those with skin conditions, so far NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE!

There is a huge gap in this space, and to this day not much has been done. One of the largest issues is that there is a lack of funding and research.

Maybe because both mental health and skin health are still considered Cinderella-services… Dr. Thompson

Many medical professionals dismiss skin conditions as unimportant, since they are not life-threatening. Most doctors categorize skin issues as cosmetic.

The lack of control over your own skin is really horrible. I got engaged recently and I’d rather not be covered in psoriasis on my wedding day. But, if that happens, there’s nothing I can do. Jennifer White, 32 Blogger

Having a skin condition leads to hard judgement as your skin is on display.

There is research that indicates that [skin conditions] might have a real impact on things like employment prospects because interviewers might actually not recall as much information from the interview as a result of attraction biases; essentially they are distracted by differences in appearance. – Dr. Thompson

There have been multiple cases of verbal abuse and bullying, in a 2012 survey, which is quite disturbing. On the bright side, as there becomes more awareness, hopefully researchers and funding will go into helping chronic skin conditions.

Source – https://www.vice.com/read/why-skin-conditions-need-to-be-taken-more-seriously

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