Say H-e-l-l-o To My Lil’ Friend

Say H-e-l-l-oTo My Lil’ Friend

By little friend, I mean scars of course. Scars are popular! Especially in Hollywood. There’s Scarface classic film from the 1980s, Scar from Lion King who was Mufasa’s evil brother, and Scar Tissue sung by the Red Hot Chili Peppers just to name a few. Scars have been glamorized for centuries.

You want to know why? Well, scars grab your attention for two reasons. One because of the way they look and two because of the story behind them. When someone sees a scar for the first time their mind wonders. They put together scenarios in their mind of how a person could have achieved said scar. Were they burned by a fire? Did they get into a knife fight? Was there a life threatening surgery they needed. Were they involved in a car accident? These are just some of the questions one asks when then see a scar.

I for one have lots of visible scars and have been asked quite a few times as to what happened. Some people believe I’ve been burned in a fire. To which I respond with yes, and that fire is eczema.

But what is a scar? How exactly does this work? And why, once we have a scar does it stick with us for the rest of our lives?

Well, this is where a TED-Ed video comes in handy. Watch below and see for yourself the incredible science that goes into what are known as scars. It quite impressive.

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