Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut SyndromeIs Confusing

Leaky Gut Syndrome is very c-o-n-f-u-s-i-n-g. So I decided I should write about it. After all tis’ the season of eating overeating and we all should be paying attention to our bodies. 

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome

*Short answer – Your digestive system is leaking, thus causing toxins to pass through.

*Long answer – Its a little bit like Serial, an unsolved mystery. Doctors (and patients) are still trying to figure this out because it is not something that is taught in medical schools. When you look it up, a variety of different answers are given. Its also very confusing which leaves it as grey (gray) area. It is hypothesized that it is the cause of a large range of chronic diseases. Including – lupus, diabetes, MS, celiac, crohn’s and a lot more. Summary – Medical experts are still researching what exactly is this condition.

Sign and Symptoms – Wide range (I know that doesn’t help much, but here are the most common) poor immune system, bloating, gas, mood swings, having autoimmune diseases (cough eczema/psoriasis cough), asthma, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, food allergies, abdominal pain. Apparently, the list of symptoms is really endless.

Cure? There seems to be many different ways to treat and cure leaky gut syndrome. I’ve found about 50 different methods that people claim work. So instead of suggesting any, I will leave that part up to you. I’m not an expert and don’t want to recommend something I haven’t myself tried.

Conclusion – Still very confused about it. I will have to do more research about leaky gut syndrome. Moral of the story is really to pay attention to everything you’re eating/digesting. If you believe you might have this, please do your research!!

Sources – http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/features/leaky-gut-syndrome

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