Johnson and Johnson 1st Company to List Drug Prices in TV Ads

Now, this is a step in the right direction. Especially with the astronomical drug prices soaring.

I remember a few years ago when I was getting a prescription for an EpiPen. Mind you, this was a prescription I didn’t even need in the first place. While I’m allergic to some foods, I don’t require an epi-pen. Also, I’m pretty sure the Doctor was just pushing it on me since he knew my insurance (at the time) wouldn’t cover it. Lesson learned.

Once I arrived at the pharmacy to pick up my prescribed EpiPen, a VERY hostile and agitated pharmacist said it would cost $400!! I’m pretty sure she asked if I was ok, as the blood drained from my face. Needless to say, I didn’t spend $400 on the EpiPen that ONLY lasts a year. I just crumbled up the prescription slip and threw it into the trash.

Understanding pricing is IMPORTANT.

Recently I read a story about a teen cutting back on diabetic medicine to save his parent’s money. That’s beyond disgusting that he would even have to do that in a First World Country!!!

Needless to say, Johnson and Johnson are the first company to start listing prices, amid a huge backlash at the rising prices.

The first price listed will be for their blood thinner Xarelto.

Towards the end of March, the list price and out of pocket costs will also be listed. Additionally, there will be a website where you can enter your insurance information for more specific costs.


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