Eczema Therapies Market Growth to Reach 6.41 Billion by 2022

Eczema’s drug market is expected to reach nearly 6.41 billion dollars globally by 2022.

Pfizer, Sanofi, Bay, LEO, Pharma, Mylan, F Hoffmann-La Roche and Allergan – are some of the leaders in this growth market.

Regionally the US, UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, and Japanese are the leading countries investing in eczema therapies.

As eczema diagnoses continue to rise, so does the need for therapy treatments. Due to this, Pharmaceutical companies have taken notice and targeted this stimulating growth market.

With the help of scientific backing, new options will be introduced to the market that will tackle anti-IL-13 which is known to cause the itchiness in eczema.

Additionally, there’s a large market for underrepresented niche treatments for eczema like severe refractory atopic dermatitis.

Most importantly, an increase in availability, something that is MUCH NEEDED, will be a huge improvement. As there are many who are suffering yet don’t qualify for a specific study for numerous reason. Hopefully, the future of eczema therapies will provide access to all.

While it’s not the cure eczema patients are looking for, any money being invested into helping those with the condition is highly welcomed. Hopefully, we become closer to finding out the cause of eczema/atopic dermatitis and preventing the condition altogether.


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