5 Eczema Friendly Sheet Masks

I’m definitely into sheet masks, but a lot of them are filled with harsh chemicals and only normal or super human skin can handle. Here are some awesome sheet masks, including the charcoal one that I swear by, that are eczema friendly.

*Do not risk breaking your skin out, if you’re going through a flare-up right now. Also, check all the ingredients to make sure you aren’t allergic to anything. <– Super Important.

  1. Garnier Moisture Bomb The Super Hydrating Sheet Mask $3: This sheet mask is water based infused with hyaluronic acid. It’s free from mineral oil and petrolatum. http://www.garnierusa.com/products/skincare/moisture-bomb/hydrating-sheet-mask/the-super-hydrating-sheet-mask.aspx
  2. TONYMOLY I’m Real Aloe Mask Sheet $3.75: This 3-layered pulp sheet excludes parabens, talc, benzophenone, or triethanolamine. https://www.ulta.com/im-real-aloe-mask-sheet?productId=xlsImpprod12812989 
  3.  The Creme Shop’s Charcoal Face Mask *SPECIAL EDITION* $17.50: This is my personal favorite sheet mask hands down. Extremely soothing to your skin, it smells good and helps balance out complexion. (I spotted these at TJ Maxx for much less than the retail price. https://www.thecremeshop.com/products/charcoal-face-mask-special-edition-5-piece-set?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=51507148821&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5t7UBRDaARIsAOreQtj_NmqNkUSThlVsb3yVXkcyy7I55Q1z4hu38AA0WE5xzFykuNWsLaQaAkXXEALw_wcB
  4. DR. JART+Water Replenishment Cotton Sheet Mask $7.50: This hydrating mask contains allantoin, marine collagen, chamomile flower water, and witch hazel. In addition, it has a cooling element that will leave your face feeling refreshed. https://www.sephora.com/product/water-replenishment-cotton-sheet-mask-P391363?om_mmc=aff-linkshare-redirect-p*E2XVDQFnI&c3ch=Linkshare&c3nid=p*E2XVDQFnI&affid=p.E2XVDQFnI-sHBYIFU35lWOgklDqZq8IA&ranEAID=p*E2XVDQFnI&ranMID=2417&ranSiteID=p.E2XVDQFnI-sHBYIFU35lWOgklDqZq8IA&ranLinkID=10-1&browserdefault=true
  5. Manyo Factory Active Refresh Herb Mask $4.99: Uses special selective herb extracts and tea tree oil. This mask moisturizes and nourishes skin cells giving your skin a soft and dewy glow. http://www.oo35mm.com/manyo-factory-active-refresh-herb-mask 

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